Image CC BY-SA mararie

Things We Learned This Week

...a newsletter by Doug Belshaw of Dynamic Skillset

If you're on this page you're probably interested in sponsoring the TWLTW newsletter. Thanks!


May 2015: Sold

June 2015: Sold

July 2015: Sold

August 2015 (no newsletters)

September 2015: Sold

October 2015: Available

November 2015: Available

December 2015: Available

Introductory pricing for 2015 is set at £400/month. To schedule a sponsorship or for additional information, please email Doug Belshaw.

This is the only way to promote your product or service specifically to this audience of educators, technologists and productivity enthusiasts. Sponsorship is exclusive: there's only one sponsor per month.

Not only will your product or service be delivered into the inbox of the most engaged members of my audience, but I'll mention you in the weeknotes on my main blog and tweet a 'thank you' each week. You'll also be helping support the TIDE podcast - so Dai and I will probably mention you there, too...